Monday, May 28, 2018

Genius Hour

Every Friday in school, the students in my class individually work on projects called Genius Hour. My class is a GATE (Gifted And Talented Education) class, so we can do cool projects like this. The best way to describe Genius Hour is that you pick ANY topic, and study it. You can build a robot. You can bake a cake. You can build a guitar out of cardboard and describe its anatomy. However, you have to make something. For example, I can't just show up with a slideshow and no physical thing. What I did for Genius Hour was to explain Rube Goldberg's life. Here is my slideshow:

(The blue link on this last slide says My First Rube Goldberg Machine (I was 6!) Since you can't click it on the slide, just click it there.)

This phisical object I made was a very short Rube Goldberg Machine. Unfortunately, I do not have any videos of it, but the last slide talks about it.

I had a lot of fun doing all of this, and also had fun for watching my friends present!

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